Places and locations flashcards

In this activity, children learn to identify places and locations. These include places in the city, in the house, in nature, etc.

By going through the 50 flashcards (in the download section below), your child will have the opportunity to:

  •  learn to identify places and locations
  • learn new vocabulary


What are some examples of places children should know? 

This activity features 50 locations children should know such as:

  1. living room
  2. playground
  3. parking lot
  4. classroom
  5. kitchen
  6. bedroom
  7. playroom
  8. hair salon/ barber
  9. bathroom
  10. attic
  11. swimming pool
  12. mechanic
  13. supermarket
  14. snow mountain
  15. fire station
  16. veterinarian
  17. bakery
  18. pharmacy
  19. hospital
  20. restaurant
  21. market
  22. gas station
  23. beach
  24. forest
  25. train station
  26. park
  27. stable
  28. office
  29. zoo
  30. flower shop
  31. butcher
  32. mosque
  33. library
  34. valley
  35. desert
  36. amusement park
  37. castle
  38. cinema
  39. farm
  40. campsite
  41. aquarium
  42. carwash
  43. waterpark
  44. gym
  45. circus
  46. port
  47. airport
  48. garage
  49. shopping mall
  50. basketball court


Among the 50 flashcards included in the Pdf file, there are two sets of flashcards :

  • 24 flashcards with only two images to choose from


ABLLS-R ABA intraverbals where questions, school home activities, autism, special education, communication language development, speech delays


  • 26 flashcards with 4 images of places to choose from.


ABLLS-R ABA intraverbals where questions, school home activities, autism, special education, communication language development, speech delays


How to teach my child to places and locations? 

Start by printing and laminating the file below. Then place a flashcard in front of the child and ask him the question on the top (for example: find the mall). Wait for your child to point towards the image of the mall and reinforce him if the answer is correct.

Keep in mind that when your child is able to identify these 50 places rather quickly and is making very few mistakes, He is ready to move ahead to learn “Where” questions.


Download the pdf file 

Select a location/place flashcards


ABLLS-R aligned activity 

  • C53 Select Location or Activity
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