Learning to count to 10 with the monsters

Learning to count quantities/counting in mathematics is one of the main skills that a child in kindergarten must acquire. This will subsequently prepare children for mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.)

This set of printable kindergarten cards for “learning to count to 10 with monsters” is a very fun game for children in preK and Kindergarten. This free printable serves as a support to develop several skills:

– learn to identify numbers,

– learn to associate the figures with the corresponding quantities,

– perform simple addition operations.

To get started, just print the file and laminate it using a laminator to increase its lifespan. Then cut the eyes off and hand the activity over to the child so they can start having fun.

This printable activity sheet allows you to play in several ways: the child can draw the eyes of the monster with erasable markers or make them using plasticine according to the number requested on the card.

To download the printable file


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