Classification flashcards: what category is it?

In this activity, we are working on classification from a new angle. The child learns to identify a class by looking at some of its components through 144 questions/flashcards that teach the child to identify categories.


How to teach classification?

Classification is a fundamental skill for children in preschool, kindergarten, and even elementary school. It’s even more important to train children with learning disabilities on classifying objects into categories. This activity goes deeper into teaching categories by offering the opportunity to discover more items belonging to these categories :


Classification flashcards: what category is it?


  • Transportation: car, airplane, truck, train, bike, motorbike, etc.
  • Animals: cat, dog, zebra, lion, hippo, etc.
  • Clothing: shirt, dress, blouse, coat, jacket, etc.
  • Bags: handbag, school bag, laptop bag, paper bag, etc.
  • Cookware: pot, pan, pressure cooker, etc.
  • Birds: owl, ostrich, pinging, etc.
  • Toys: dolls, cars, math toys, scooters, etc.
  • Fruits: apple, orange, banana, pineapple, strawberry, etc.
  • Vegetables: onion, pepper, radish, potato, etc.
  • Trees: palm tree, pine, etc.
  • Furniture: bed, dresser, crib, table, chair, etc.
  • School supplies or office supplies
  • Home appliances: fridge, washing machine, oven, mixer, microwave, etc.
  • Drinks: water, coffee, tea, juice, etc.
  • Cleaning tools: broom, squeegee, gloves, detergent, mop, etc.
  • Jewelry: ring, earrings, bracelet, etc.
  • Computers: laptop, desktop computer, tablet, etc.
  • Meat: ribs, steak, fish, etc.
  • Shoes: sneakers, boots, sandals, etc.
  • Fast food: burger, french fries, sandwich, etc.
  • Flowers: rose, lily, sunflower, etc.
  • Tools: wrench, pliers, saw, etc.
  • Planets: Mars, Mercury, Earth, Neptune, etc.


Classification flashcards: what category is it?


For each one of these categories, we included 3 types of flashcards

  • Flashcards with 2 items from the category
  • Flashcards with 3 items from the category
  • Flashcards with 5 or more items from the category

This activity offers the best opportunity to teach children new vocabulary and link more objects to each category that he is learning. By expanding the child’s vocabulary, we provide him with the opportunity to


Who can use the classification flashcards?

This activity is suitable for children in preschool and kindergarten. It is also an excellent exercise for speech therapy provided to children with learning disabilities, children on the Autism Spectrum, or with Down Syndrome.

These flashcards can be used in the classroom in small-group learning or as an individual activity. They can also be used in one-to-one sessions with a speech therapist, an ABA specialist, or any educator or parents that deal with children with special needs.


Classification flashcards: what category is it?


How to use the classification flashcards

In order to introduce this activity, you can follow these steps:

  • Print and laminate the activity file (at the bottom of this page), then cut the different flashcards,

To get durable materials, use a laminating machine to laminate the pdf file and storage envelopes to store the flashcards.


  • Ask the question on the task card “name the category” and let the child answer by either naming the category. There are three types of flashcards included in the activity :
    • Flashcards with 2 items from the category
    • Flashcards with 3 items from the category
    • Flashcards with 5 or more items from the category
  • Reinforce or correct the answer, if necessary, using the ABA procedure.


Print classification flashcards (pdf file)


ABLLS-R Program Compliant Activities:

  • G27 : name the class of a group of items


To learn more on wh questions, click on the link below

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